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Media + Architecture: 

Integrate media technologies with architecture to build non-linear storytelling spaces and to gamify museum experience.  

2010 - 2012  as computational designer at ART+COM AG, Berlin Germany

2012 - 2014  as art director at Tsinghua University Design Team, Beijing China

- one storytelling space two perspectives

"The Field of Hope" is a main theme media installation for China Pavilion. A matrix of over 30,000 artificial plants with LED tips dominates from outside to inside, covering 13 exhibition items on the ground level. Viewing from the panorama platform on the second floor, the LED tips forms a huge scale low resolution video landscape.  (read more)

- new tech with old building = a day of an empire 

Duan Palace is located at the very front of Forbidden City. Digital technologies are carefully designed to be hidden within the traditional architectural elements and furnitures. The LED floor mimics the sun light casts into the palace at different time of a day to tell the story of the royal family's daily life.   (read more)

- "light up" through history, present and to future 

Microsoft (China) sets up a 2000 square meters space as at its west campus in Beijing as an innovation center, which is fully equipped with media technologies to exhibit the company's history, present and the future, in the meanwhile, the space could also be transformed to be an working space for collaborations. Our design team won the concept design competition using "light" as an metaphorical elements that can lead the visitors through the space and tell the stories interactively. (read more)

- be a major in a futuristic smart city  


A ring shape space transformed into an interactive exhibition, in which visitors can play the role of a mayor to experience the advantages of future smart city. The visiting path follows a ring road virtually build in the imaginary smart city and connects subjects such as: smart energy, smart transportation, smart home etc.  (read more)

- a zoo on your finger tip 

Micro ZOO is a fully interactive museum of microbiology opened 2014 in Amsterdam. The visiting experience is gamified to be a safari in virtual micro world. Each visitor can scan his finger tip to get a very tiny virtual cage to catch tiny animals at different exhibition stands. In the end, the virtual cage can be visually blowed up to the size of the building to embody the microbes in a oversize scale. (read more)

A Frozen Cloud (Kemi, Finland)

- a frozen sky with a piece of cloud

This work is commissioned by the city hall of Kemi Finland and Lapland University. We use an very traditional optic technology - lenticular print - to create a landmark media installation on the top corner of the city hall. The lenticular print can display different image when viewing from difference angle. Therefore, with carefully designed images, two sides of back-lit box can created an illusion of an three dimensional space. In the imaginary space a piece of cloud and sky is "frozen" and shine through the long and dark winter night. 

King Abdula World Culture Center

- from petroleum flow to Knowledge stream  

This center is located at the site of Saudi Arabia's first oil field. Connecting different parts in the center - such as library, theater, museum, and research center - a virtual "knowledge stream" flows from one display to the other as the main visual identity and interactive interface. 
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